Office 2013 buy
Office 2013 buy

office 2013 buy

You will be prompted to select the product that you want to customize (in this case Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 (64-bit)), or to open an existing customization file. This will open the Microsoft Office Customization Tool. Navigate to the root directory of the media (as pictured it is D:\).Attach the media to your PC (either by inserting the DVD or by mounting the.However if you have that, your life will be much easier: It is only available with the Pro versions of Microsoft Office, and even at that only with media attached to a volume license. MSP file with the Microsoft Office Customization Tool. There is a better way of installing Microsoft Office that does not require you to type in a product key every time: create a. Now here’s the fun part… at least from a Deployment standpoint.

office 2013 buy

Not all of you agree… Okay, that is fine if you do not want to work with Office 365, and would rather buy the FPP and not integrate with any of the on-line services (including licensing and activation!) then it is simple… in the Activate Office screen under the big NEXT button there is a little option to ‘ Enter a product key instead.’ I admit it, the font size makes it easy to miss, but it is indeed there (note the highlighted section in the screen capture). Especially in the enterprise but also in smaller businesses and the home it is easier on the pocketbook to pay monthly than up front. In fact, with Office 365 Microsoft is moving to a subscription-based service, rather than an up-front purchase model. Microsoft Office 2013 was designed to work with the cloud – Office 365 is of course the answer, and gives you so much more than just the client software. Unfortunately people don’t read the fine print! I have been confronted by partners, customers, and end users with variants of this question for months, and I always tell them the same thing… there is NO requirement to log onto a Microsoft Account when installing Microsoft Office 2013.

office 2013 buy

Hey Mitch, why is it that every time I install Microsoft office 2013 for my customers I have to log in with a Microsoft Account (Formerly Live ID)? Why can’t I just use a product key like I used to? I always use my own Microsoft Account, and I am now the registered user for hundreds of installations of Office 2013!

Office 2013 buy